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Almost finished with the new website. It’s a lot different than this one, a very professional site that has a whole different look to it. Also, it will format correctly for smartphones, tablets, desktops, and wide screens. Hope to get it premiered by the end of March.


Posted the blues demo. Working on revamping the whole website for a more polished, professional look. Also working on getting new VoiceOver demos posted.


Finished 2 songs for demos to use on the site. Think I’m going to do a blues style song next, maybe a harder rock style after that.


I was blessed with a new set of monitors (speakers) for my main mixing console. Trying to rearrange things a bit so I’m super happy!!!


Well it’s the first of the year and the first day of a new but used idea… I’m officially in business again with a personalized song writing website. I’ve done a lot of songs in the past but it’s been awhile and I’m getting back into my music, so what a better way to start than offer a special song for someone you care about by having a song written and recorded just for them!! Welcome family, friends, and friends I just haven’t met yet!!! Regards, “Creeky”